Step Definitions List
Then 'the {string} level log message equals {string}' lib/features/steps/log_steps.rb:9
Then 'the {string} level log message matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/log_steps.rb:21
Then 'I start an http proxy' lib/features/steps/proxy_steps.rb:5
Then 'I start an authenticated http proxy' lib/features/steps/proxy_steps.rb:11
Then 'I start an https proxy' lib/features/steps/proxy_steps.rb:17
Then 'I start an authenticated https proxy' lib/features/steps/proxy_steps.rb:23
Then 'the proxy handled a request for {string}' lib/features/steps/proxy_steps.rb:30
When 'I disable timestamp validation for spans' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:5
Then 'I wait to receive {int} span(s)' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:12
Then 'I wait to receive at least {int} span(s)' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:20
Then 'I wait to receive between {int} and {int} span(s)' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:29
Then 'I should have received no spans' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:33
Then 'I enter unmanaged traces mode' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:38
Then 'the trace payload field {string} bool attribute {string} is true' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:42
Then 'the trace payload field {string} bool attribute {string} is false' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:46
Then 'the trace payload field {string} integer attribute {string} equals {int}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:50
Then 'the trace payload field {string} integer attribute {string} is greater than {int}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:54
Then 'the trace payload field {string} string attribute {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:60
Then 'the trace payload field {string} string attribute {string} equals the stored value {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:64
Then 'the trace payload field {string} string attribute {string} matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:71
Then 'the trace payload field {string} integer attribute {string} matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:77
Then 'the trace payload field {string} string attribute {string} exists' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:86
Then 'the trace payload field {string} string attribute {string} is one of:' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:91
Then 'the trace payload field {string} boolean attribute {string} is true' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:101
Then 'the trace payload field {string} boolean attribute {string} is false' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:105
Then 'the trace payload field {string} double attribute {string} equals {float}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:109
Then 'a span {word} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:114
Then 'every span field {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:120
Then 'every span field {string} matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:126
Then 'every span string attribute {string} exists' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:131
Then 'every span string attribute {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:136
Then 'every span string attribute {string} matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:141
Then 'every span integer attribute {string} is greater than {int}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:146
Then 'every span bool attribute {string} is true' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:151
Then 'a span string attribute {string} exists' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:156
Then 'a span string attribute {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:162
Then 'a span field {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:169
Then 'a span field {string} equals {int}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:175
Then 'a span field {string} matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:181
Then 'a span named {string} contains the attributes:' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:189
Then 'a span named {string} has a parent named {string}' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:213
Then 'a span named {string} has the following properties:' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:229
Then 'the trace payload field {string} string array attribute {string} equals the array:' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:365
Then 'the trace payload field {string} integer array attribute {string} equals the array:' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:370
Then 'the trace payload field {string} double array attribute {string} equals the array:' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:375
Then 'the trace payload field {string} boolean array attribute {string} equals the array:' lib/features/steps/trace_steps.rb:380
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is stored as the value {string}' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:10
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals the stored value {string}' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:21
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} does not equal the stored value {string}' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:34
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals the stored value {string} ignoring case' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:47
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} does not equal the stored value {string} ignoring case' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:62
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is a number' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:76
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is an integer' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:86
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is a date' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:96
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is a UUID' lib/features/steps/value_steps.rb:111
Then 'the {request_type} {string} header is present' lib/features/steps/header_steps.rb:9
Then 'the {request_type} {string} header is not present' lib/features/steps/header_steps.rb:22
Then 'the {request_type} {string} header equals {string}' lib/features/steps/header_steps.rb:34
Then 'the {request_type} {string} header matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/header_steps.rb:45
Then 'the {request_type} {string} header equals one of:' lib/features/steps/header_steps.rb:56
Then 'the {request_type} {string} header is a timestamp' lib/features/steps/header_steps.rb:64
When 'the {request_type} Bugsnag-Integrity header is valid' lib/features/steps/header_steps.rb:72
When 'I set environment variable {string} to {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:10
When 'I store the {word} endpoint in the environment variable {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:18
When 'I store the api key in the environment variable {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:27
When 'I run the script {string} synchronously' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:36
When 'I run the script {string} using {word} synchronously' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:44
When 'I run the script {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:51
When 'I start the service {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:58
When 'I run the service {string} with the command {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:66
When 'I run the service {string} interactively' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:73
When 'I run the service {string} with the command {string} interactively' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:84
When 'I run the service {string} with the command' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:95
When 'I execute the command {string} in the service {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:107
When 'I execute the command {string} in the service {string} in the background' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:118
Then 'the exit code of the last docker command was {int}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:126
Then 'the last run docker command exited successfully' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:136
Then 'the last run docker command did not exit successfully' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:142
Then 'the last run docker command output {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:154
When 'I wait for {int} second(s)' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:173
When 'I start a new shell' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:179
When 'I stop the current shell' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:187
When 'I input {string} interactively' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:198
When 'I input a return interactively' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:205
Then 'the current stdout line is {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:212
Then 'the current stdout line contains {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:220
Then 'I wait for the current stdout line to match the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:229
Then 'I wait for the shell prompt {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:242
Then 'the shell has output {string} to stdout' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:254
Then 'I wait for the shell to output {string} to stdout' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:263
Then 'the shell has output a match for the regex {string} to stdout' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:284
Then 'I wait for the shell to output a match for the regex {string} to stdout' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:293
Then 'I wait for the interactive shell to output the following lines in stdout' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:308
Then 'the shell has output {string} to stderr' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:326
Then 'I wait for the shell to output {string} to stderr' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:335
Then 'the last interactive command exited successfully' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:347
Then 'the last interactive command exit code is {int}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:364
Then 'the last interactive command exited with an error code' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:379
Then 'the interactive file {string} contains {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:397
Then 'the interactive file {string} does not contain {string}' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:409
Then 'the interactive file {string} contains:' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:421
Then 'the interactive file {string} does not contain:' lib/features/steps/runner_steps.rb:431
When "I start Android emulator {string}" lib/features/steps/android_steps.rb:6
When "I clear the Android app data" lib/features/steps/android_steps.rb:16
When "I force stop the Android app" lib/features/steps/android_steps.rb:22
When "I install the {string} Android app from {string}" lib/features/steps/android_steps.rb:31
When "I start the {string} Android app using the {string} activity" lib/features/steps/android_steps.rb:44
Given 'I invoke the {string} lambda in {string}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:12
Given 'I invoke the {string} lambda in {string} with the {string} event' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:21
Then 'the SAM exit code equals {int}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:28
Then 'the lambda response is empty' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:34
Then 'the lambda response {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:44
Then 'the lambda response {string} contains {string}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:56
Then 'the lambda response {string} equals {int}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:68
Then 'the lambda response {string} is true' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:79
Then 'the lambda response {string} is false' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:90
Then 'the lambda response {string} is null' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:101
Then 'the lambda response {string} is not null' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:112
Then 'the lambda response {string} is greater than {int}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:124
Then 'the lambda response {string} is less than {int}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:136
Then 'the lambda response {string} starts with {string}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:148
Then 'the lambda response {string} ends with {string}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:164
Then 'the lambda response {string} is an array with {int} element(s)' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:180
Then 'the lambda response {string} is a non-empty array' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:192
Then 'the lambda response {string} matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/aws_sam_steps.rb:205
When 'I navigate to the URL {string}' lib/features/steps/browser_steps.rb:3
Then /^the error is a valid browser payload for the error reporting API$/ lib/features/steps/browser_steps.rb:16
Then 'the session is a valid browser payload for the session tracking API' lib/features/steps/browser_steps.rb:48
Then 'the event device ID is valid' lib/features/steps/browser_steps.rb:75
Then 'the event device ID is {string}' lib/features/steps/browser_steps.rb:84
When 'I wait for the host {string} to open port {string}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:7
When 'I set the HTTP status code for {string} requests to {int}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:15
When 'I set the HTTP status code for the next {string} request(s) to {int_array}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:24
When 'I set the HTTP status code to {int}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:32
When 'I set the HTTP status code for the next request(s) to {int_array}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:39
When 'I set the sampling probability to {string}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:46
When 'I set the sampling probability for the next trace to {string}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:53
When 'I set the sampling probability for the next traces to {string}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:60
When 'I set the response delay to {int} milliseconds' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:68
When 'I set the response delay for the next request to {int} milliseconds' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:75
When 'I open the URL {string}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:96
When 'I start the terminating server' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:105
When 'I set the terminated response message to {string}' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:110
When 'I set the terminating server data threshold to {int} bytes' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:117
Then 'the terminating server has received {int} requests' lib/features/steps/network_steps.rb:124
Then 'the {request_type} payload body does not match the JSON fixture in {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:9
Then 'the {request_type} payload body matches the JSON fixture in {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:20
Then 'the {request_type}(|a b) payload field {string} matches the JSON fixture in {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:33
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is true' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:47
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is false' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:56
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is null' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:65
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is not null' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:74
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals {int}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:84
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals {float}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:94
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals {float} to {int} decimal place(s)' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:105
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals the environment variable {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:117
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is greater than {int}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:132
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is less than {int}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:144
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:157
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} starts with {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:167
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} ends with {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:182
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is an array with {int} elements' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:197
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is a non-empty array' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:208
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} matches the regex {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:220
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} is a parsable timestamp in seconds' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:231
Then 'each element in {request_type} payload field {string} has {string}' lib/features/steps/payload_steps.rb:248
Then 'the build is valid for the Build API' lib/features/steps/build_api_steps.rb:7
Then 'the build is valid for the Android Mapping API' lib/features/steps/build_api_steps.rb:16
Then "the event has {int} breadcrumb(s)" lib/features/steps/breadcrumb_steps.rb:6
Then "the event has no breadcrumbs" lib/features/steps/breadcrumb_steps.rb:17
Then 'the event has a {string} breadcrumb named {string}' lib/features/steps/breadcrumb_steps.rb:32
Then 'the event has a {string} breadcrumb with message {string}' lib/features/steps/breadcrumb_steps.rb:45
Then 'the event does not have a {string} breadcrumb' lib/features/steps/breadcrumb_steps.rb:55
Then 'the event does not have a {string} breadcrumb with message {string}' lib/features/steps/breadcrumb_steps.rb:66
Then 'the event contains a breadcrumb matching the JSON fixture in {string}' lib/features/steps/breadcrumb_steps.rb:75
When 'I wait for {int} span(s)' lib/features/steps/deprecated_steps.rb:6
Then 'event {int} has no feature flags' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:8
Then 'the event has no feature flags' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:14
Then 'event {int} contains the feature flag {string} with variant {string}' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:25
Then 'the event contains the feature flag {string} with variant {string}' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:47
Then 'event {int} contains the feature flag {string} with no variant' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:57
Then 'the event contains the feature flag {string} with no variant' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:79
Then 'event {int} contains the following feature flags:' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:98
Then 'the event contains the following feature flags:' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:108
Then 'event {int} does not contain the feature flag {string}' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:117
Then 'the event does not contain the feature flag {string}' lib/features/steps/feature_flag_steps.rb:133
Given 'the element {string} is present' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:7
Given 'the element {string} is present within {int} seconds' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:17
When 'I click the element {string}' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:26
When 'I send the app to the background' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:32
When 'I send the app to the background for {int} second(s)' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:40
When 'I clear the element {string}' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:48
When 'I send the keys {string} to the element {string}' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:57
When 'I set the device orientation to {orientation}' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:63
When 'I clear and send the keys {string} to the element {string}' lib/features/steps/app_automator_steps.rb:72
When 'I start the document server' lib/features/steps/document_server_steps.rb:5
Then 'the error is valid for the error reporting API version {string} for the {string} notifier' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:10
Then 'the error is valid for the error reporting API version {string}' \ ' for the {string} notifier with the apiKey {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:20
Then 'event {int} is unhandled' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:51
Then 'event {int} is unhandled with the severity {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:63
Then 'event {int} is handled' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:74
Then 'event {int} is handled with the severity {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:86
Then 'the error payload contains the payloadVersion {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:95
Then /^the event "(.+)" is (true|false|null|not null)$/ lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:111
Then 'the event {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:119
Then 'the event {string} equals {float}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:127
Then 'the event {string} equals {float} to {int} decimal place(s)' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:135
Then 'the event {string} equals {int}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:143
Then 'the event {string} starts with {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:151
Then 'the event {string} ends with {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:159
Then 'the event {string} matches {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:167
Then 'the event {string} is a timestamp' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:174
Then 'the event {string} is a parsable timestamp in seconds' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:181
Then 'the event {string} equals the environment variable {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:189
Then 'the event {string} matches the JSON fixture in {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:197
Then 'the event {string} string is empty' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:201
Then 'the event {string} is greater than {int}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:206
Then 'the exception {string} starts with {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:216
Then 'the exception {string} ends with {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:224
Then 'the exception {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:232
Then 'the exception {string} matches {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:240
Then 'the {string} of stack frame {int} equals {int}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:249
Then 'the {string} of stack frame {int} matches {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:259
Then 'the {string} of stack frame {int} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:269
Then 'the {string} of stack frame {int} starts with {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:279
Then 'the {string} of stack frame {int} ends with {string}' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:289
Then /^the "(.*)" of stack frame (\d*) is (true|false|null|not null)$/ lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:299
Then 'the thread with name {string} contains the error reporting flag' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:307
Then 'the thread with id {string} contains the error reporting flag' lib/features/steps/error_reporting_steps.rb:314
Then 'the {request_type} {string} query parameter equals {string}' lib/features/steps/query_parameter_steps.rb:10
Then 'the {request_type} {string} query parameter is not null' lib/features/steps/query_parameter_steps.rb:19
Then 'the {request_type} {string} query parameter is a timestamp' lib/features/steps/query_parameter_steps.rb:28
Then 'the session is valid for the session reporting API version {string} for the {string} notifier' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:8
Then 'the session is valid for the session reporting API version {string} for the React Native notifier' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:32
Then /^the session "(.+)" is (true|false|null|not null)$/ lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:52
Then 'the session {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:60
Then 'the session {string} is a timestamp' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:67
Then /^the sessionCount "(.+)" is (true|false|null|not null)$/ lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:75
Then 'the sessionCount {string} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:83
Then 'the sessionCount {string} equals {int}' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:91
Then 'the sessionCount {string} is a timestamp' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:98
Then 'the session payload has a valid sessions array' lib/features/steps/session_tracking_steps.rb:103
Then 'the {request_type} request is valid multipart form-data' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:25
Then 'all {request_type} requests are valid multipart form-data' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:33
Then 'the {request_type} multipart request has {int} fields' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:42
Then 'the {request_type} multipart request has a non-empty body' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:51
Then 'the {request_type} multipart body does not match the JSON file in {string}' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:76
Then 'the {request_type} multipart body matches the JSON file in {string}' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:91
Then 'the {request_type} multipart field {string} matches the JSON file in {string}' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:107
Then 'the field {string} for multipart {request_type} is not null' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:120
Then 'the field {string} for multipart {request_type} is null' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:129
Then 'the field {string} for multipart {request_type} equals {string}' lib/features/steps/multipart_request_steps.rb:139
Then 'I wait to receive a(n) {request_type}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:58
Then 'I wait to receive {int} {request_type}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:69
Then 'I wait to receive at least {int} {request_type}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:82
Then 'I sort the {request_type} by the payload field {string}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:91
Then 'I have received at least {int} {request_type}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:101
Then 'I wait to receive between {int} and {int} {request_type}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:111
Then 'I should receive no {request_type}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:119
Then 'I discard the oldest {request_type}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:128
Then 'the received errors match:' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:134
Then 'the {request_type} request method equals {string}' lib/features/steps/request_assertion_steps.rb:158
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals the platform-dependent string:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:18
Then 'the event {string} equals the platform-dependent string:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:26
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals the platform-dependent numeric:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:45
Then 'the event {string} equals the platform-dependent numeric:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:53
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} equals the platform-dependent boolean:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:72
Then 'the event {string} equals the platform-dependent boolean:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:80
Then 'the exception {string} equals the platform-dependent string:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:88
Then 'the {string} of stack frame {int} equals the platform-dependent string:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:97
Then 'the {request_type} payload field {string} matches the platform-dependent regex:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:169
Then 'the event {string} matches the platform-dependent regex:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:177
Then 'the exception {string} matches the platform-dependent regex:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:183
Then 'the {string} of stack frame {int} matches the platform-dependent regex:' lib/features/steps/platform_dependent_steps.rb:190