
class ErrorTypes(var anrs: Boolean = true, var ndkCrashes: Boolean = true, var unhandledExceptions: Boolean = true, var unhandledRejections: Boolean = true)


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constructor(anrs: Boolean = true, ndkCrashes: Boolean = true, unhandledExceptions: Boolean = true, unhandledRejections: Boolean = true)


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Sets whether ANRs should be reported to Bugsnag.

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Determines whether NDK crashes such as signals and exceptions should be reported by bugsnag.

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Sets whether Bugsnag should automatically capture and report unhandled errors. By default, this value is true.

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Sets whether Bugsnag should automatically capture and report unhandled promise rejections. This only applies to React Native apps. By default, this value is true.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int