Package-level declarations


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Stateless information set by the notifier about your app can be found on this class. These values can be accessed and amended if necessary.

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class AppWithState(var binaryArch: String?, var id: String?, var releaseStage: String?, var version: String?, var codeBundleId: String?, var buildUuid: String?, var type: String?, var versionCode: Number?, var duration: Number?, var durationInForeground: Number?, var inForeground: Boolean?, var isLaunching: Boolean?) : App

Stateful information set by the notifier about your app can be found on this class. These values can be accessed and amended if necessary.

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Recognized types of breadcrumbs

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class Bugsnag
Static access to a Bugsnag Client, the easiest way to use Bugsnag in your Android app.
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Sends an error report to Bugsnag for each StrictMode thread policy violation that occurs in your app.
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Sends an error report to Bugsnag for each StrictMode VM policy violation that occurs in your app.
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open class Client : MetadataAware, CallbackAware, UserAware, FeatureFlagAware
A Bugsnag Client instance allows you to use Bugsnag in your Android app.
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open class Configuration : CallbackAware, MetadataAware, UserAware, FeatureFlagAware
User-specified configuration storage object, contains information specified at the client level, api-key and endpoint configuration.
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interface Delivery

Implementations of this interface deliver Error Reports and Sessions captured to the Bugsnag API.

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class DeliveryParams(val endpoint: String, val headers: Map<String, String?>)

The parameters which should be used to deliver an Event/Session.

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Return value for the status of a payload delivery.

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Stateless information set by the notifier about the device on which the event occurred can be found on this class. These values can be accessed and amended if necessary.

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class DeviceIdFilePersistence(file: File, deviceIdGenerator: () -> UUID, logger: Logger) : DeviceIdPersistence

This class is responsible for persisting and retrieving a device ID to a file.

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Stateful information set by the notifier about the device on which the event occurred can be found on this class. These values can be accessed and amended if necessary.

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class EndpointConfiguration(val notify: String = "", val sessions: String = "")

Set the endpoints to send data to. By default we'll send error reports to, and sessions to, but you can override this if you are using Bugsnag Enterprise to point to your own Bugsnag endpoints.

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An Error represents information extracted from a Throwable.
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Represents the type of error captured

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class ErrorTypes(var anrs: Boolean = true, var ndkCrashes: Boolean = true, var unhandledExceptions: Boolean = true, var unhandledRejections: Boolean = true)
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open class Event : JsonStream.Streamable, MetadataAware, UserAware, FeatureFlagAware
An Event object represents a Throwable captured by Bugsnag and is available as a parameter on an OnErrorCallback, where individual properties can be mutated before an error report is sent to Bugsnag's API.
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An error report payload.

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Represents a single feature-flag / experiment marker within Bugsnag.
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open class JsonStream : JsonWriter
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class LastRunInfo(val consecutiveLaunchCrashes: Int, val crashed: Boolean, val crashedDuringLaunch: Boolean)

Provides information about the last launch of the application, if there was one.

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interface Logger

Logs internal messages from within the bugsnag notifier.

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open class NativeInterface
Used as the entry point for native code to allow proguard to obfuscate other areas if needed
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Represents a single native stackframe

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class Notifier @JvmOverloads constructor(var name: String = "Android Bugsnag Notifier", var version: String = "6.3.0", var url: String = "") : JsonStream.Streamable

Information about this library, including name and version.

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fun interface OnBreadcrumbCallback

Add a "on breadcrumb" callback, to execute code before every breadcrumb captured by Bugsnag.

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fun interface OnErrorCallback

A callback to be run before error reports are sent to Bugsnag.

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fun interface OnSendCallback

A callback to be invoked before an Event is uploaded to a server. Similar to OnErrorCallback, an OnSendCallback may modify the Event contents or even reject the entire payload by returning false.

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fun interface OnSessionCallback

A callback to be run before sessions are sent to Bugsnag.

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interface Plugin

A plugin allows for additional functionality to be added to the Bugsnag SDK.

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class Session : JsonStream.Streamable, UserAware
Represents a contiguous session in an application.
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The severity of an Event, one of "error", "warning" or "info".

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Represents a single stackframe from a Throwable

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sealed class StateEvent
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Types of telemetry that may be sent to Bugsnag for product improvement purposes.

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A representation of a thread recorded in an Event
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Controls whether we should capture and serialize the state of all threads at the time of an error.

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Information about the current user of your application.